Upgrade to Pro
For developers
Credits(for Pro) are available on PicWish online tools, Figma plugin, Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android apps.
Credits will be automatically added to your account after a successful payment.
Brands and customers trusting PicWish
120 M+ Images Processed
37 M+ Happy Users
3 Secs AI Processing
10X Faster Photo Editing
Refund Policy
7-day money-back guarantee
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100% Trusted
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Frequently asked questions
What are credits?
Are credits available across platforms?
Why do I have no credits on my account when I am subscribed or paid?
Should I get Pay-as-you-go credits or a subscription?
Can I cancel/upgrade/downgrade my subscription?
Can I get a copy of my invoice?
How can I get a refund?
What happens if I don't use all my subscription credits each month?
How will the credits be consumed if I have both Subscription and Pay-as-you-go credits?
What's the API for?
What images are supported?
What happens if I run out of subscription credits for a month?
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