Tools that You Can Use to Remove Stickers from Pictures

Summary: In this article, we will go through different tools and ways on how to remove sticker from photo, as well as some tips that can help you remove stickers from your image effectively to have a better-looking image result. Stickers can add to the beauty of the image, but they can also be distracting and messy in some instances. Thus, the need to remove them. PicWish, Fotor, and Picsart will give you different solutions to this problem, which you can experiment on, so you can choose which one suits your editing skills and needs best.

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how to remove sticker from photo


Steps on How to Remove Sticker from Photo

Are you looking for ways how to remove sticker from photo? If yes, you landed on the right page! Stickers give images a different sparkle. It is a form of expression that adds more creativity and meaning to the picture, which interests the viewers to look at the picture more. Alternatively, people put stickers on their photos to cover or hide something that was unintentionally included in the photo. It can also be used to highlight something from the image. However, preferences can change, and some might not prefer stickers to be added to their photos anymore, as it can be distracting, and the photo may look messy. In this article, we will explore how to remove stickers from pictures and the tools that you can use, along with the tips to remove them effectively.

How to Remove Sticker from Photo: 3 Tools that You Can Try

Not all devices, especially mobile phones, have a built-in object remover or eraser that users can use. Third-party applications will eventually be needed. Below are the three tools that you can use to try how to remove stickers from pictures:


PicWish is a software that mainly offers photo editing features that work with the support of artificial intelligence (AI). It is available on Android, iOS, and Mac and can also be visited through web browsers on computers and phones. Users can use PicWish to remove and replace the background from their image, unblur photos, generate AI art, swap faces, and restore old pictures. More than that, PicWish is one of the tools that you should know so you can try how to remove sticker from photo using its Photo Retouch feature. Additionally, this feature has a zoom and drag option that can help users to mark the objects that they want to remove from their images more accurately. Aside from that, it also has a full-screen comparison of the before and after results of your image.

Here are the following steps on how to remove a sticker from a picture using PicWish:

  • Click the Upload Image button or drag and drop your image anywhere on the page. You can upload up to 50 pictures at a time with any file format from this list: PNG, JPG, JPEG, WEBP, BMP, JFIF, and HEIC.
picwish upload image remove stickers
  • To remove the sticker from your image, PicWish offers 2 ways:
  1. Quick Selection
  • If your sticker is a text, click on the Detect Text tool, and the text will be automatically marked.
picwish detect text remove sticker
  • Meanwhile, if your sticker is an object, click on the Detect Objects tool and hover your cursor on the sticker that you want to remove. Broken border lines will appear for precise selection.
picwish detect objects remove sticker
  1. Manual Refine
  • Choose Brush and adjust its size if the sticker on your image is in any shape and without any important elements surrounding it that you can mistakenly mark and remove.  
  • The Rectangle is to mark the stickers which are in a regular shape.
  • Lasso is for the stickers that are in irregular shape.
  • As for the Eraser, it erases the accidental markings of the manual refine tools.
picwish manual refine remove sticker
  • Those are the removal tools that PicWish can offer for you to use and try how to remove sticker from photo. After that, click the Remove button and wait for the process to finish.
picwish remove button remove sticker
  • Select the Full-Screen Comparison button to see and check the before and after results of your image.
picwish full screen comparison remove sticker
  • Once satisfied, click the Save button to download.
picwish save remove stickers


Fotor is another AI photo editing software that you can consider once you try how to remove sticker from photo. Users can access this tool on web browsers and its app version can also be downloaded on Android, iOS, and Mac. Its Magic Eraser feature can help you remove the unwanted stickers from your picture. However, unlike the first tool, it only has Brush to manually select and mark the sticker that you want to remove, and the Quick Select option for easy object selection. In terms of download, it requires payment to save the final result of your image. But on the positive note, if you are looking for a wide variety of image generators, AI effects and filters, collages, video generator, and AI slides, Fotor can cater to your needs.

Here are the following steps on how to remove a sticker from a picture using Fotor:

  • Go to and select Magic Eraser.
fotor magic eraser remove sticker
  • Next, upload your image by clicking Open Image, or you can drag and drop it to the upload panel.
fotor open image remove sticker
  • Once your image is uploaded, you can pick between Brush or Quick Select.
  1. If you choose the Brush, you can manually remove the sticker from your image. Adjust its size first, then glide it on the sticker that you want to be removed.
fotor brush remove sticker
  1. For the Quick Select, blue borders will appear on certain elements of the image. It allows you to precisely select the sticker that you want to be removed from your image.
fotor quick select remove stickers
  • After that, click the Remove button.
fotor remove button remove sticker
  • To compare the before and after results, click or long-press the Compare icon on the bottom right part of your screen.
fotor compare remove sticker
  • Lastly, click the Apply button, then click the Download button to save.
fotor apply and download remove stickers


The last, but definitely not the least tool that you can consider in trying how to remove sticker from photo, here’s Picsart. This tool offers a wide variety of features, including templates for social media posts or stories, documents, and marketing designs. It also offers AI video generation, and of course, photo editing features that include its Remove objects tool. Although this give users the solution for removing the stickers on their photos, Picsart only offers Brush, unlike the first two tools that have been mentioned. Along with this, it has a watermark embedded on the final result of the image upon downloading and it requires payment as well. Favorably, if you find Picsart worth exploring, it offers a 7-day free trial to its new users.

Here are the following steps on how to remove a sticker from a picture using Picsart:

  • Access the Picsart website, then find the Remove objects feature under Time-saving shortcuts.
picsart remove objects remove sticker
  • Upon clicking the feature, choose and upload your image.
  • Next, adjust the size of the brush and swipe it on the sticker that you want to remove from your image.
picsart adjust brush size remove sticker
  • Click the Remove button and wait for the process to finish. After that, click Apply.
picsart remove and apply remove stickers
  • Lastly, click Export.
picsart export remove sticker

Tips for Effective Removal of Stickers

Below are some tips that can help you once you try how to remove sticker from photo:

  • Do not overedit to prevent uneven color tones on the background.
  • Choose the right tool depending on the shape of your sticker for better results.
  • Try removing the sticker from your image, part by part instead of removing it all at once.
  • In manual removal, use the zoom feature of the tool to mark the edges of the stickers easily.


That wraps it up! Now that you already know how to remove sticker from photo and what tools you can use, you can now explore them to know which tool is most suitable for your editing needs.

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▪ Chief Editor of PicWish's team▪ A seasoned professional whose work has been published in tech publications over the course of the last 8 years.▪ Photo editing is her area of expertise and she excels at writing comprehensive program reviews or photo editing tutorials.

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