Red-eye in photos is a common and frustrating issue. This occurs when a camera flash reflects off the retina at the back of the subject’s eyes. Thus resulting in that unwanted red glow. Additionally, there are several reasons why this issue happens. These include low light conditions, direct flash, and location to the camera. Thankfully, there are several effective methods to remove red eyes from photo. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to various solutions, including an online tool, an Android app, and an iOS app.

Get Rid of Red Eyes in Photos

Reasons Causing Red Eyes in Photos

Before we deal with the problem, it is necessary to know the reasons why red eyes occur. With this, we can deeply know more about it and prevent it from happening again. Here are some causes why:

1. Camera Flash and Pupil Dilation

When you take a photo in a dimly lit environment, the subject’s pupils are usually dilated. When the camera flash goes off, it is often very sudden and intense. As a result, the flash’s light travels into the eye and reflects off the retina, giving it a red appearance. Then, this reflection is then captured by the camera, resulting in the red-eye effect.

2. Angle of the Flash

The red-eye effect is more pronounced when the flash is close to the camera lens. This is because the light from the flash enters the eye and reflects back directly towards the lens. Also, cameras with built-in flashes tend to have the flash located close to the lens.

3. Lighting Conditions

Low-light or nighttime photography increases the likelihood of red-eye. In brighter environments, the subject’s pupils are more constricted. Thus reducing the chance of light reflecting off the retina. Additionally, in well-lit settings, the camera may not need to use the flash at all, further decreasing the possibility of red-eye.

4. Eye Color and Age

People with lighter eye colors (such as blue or green) and children are more prone to red-eye. Lighter eyes have less pigmentation. This means there is less melanin to absorb the flash’s light, increasing the likelihood of reflection. Children’s pupils also tend to dilate more widely in low light, making red-eye more common in their photos.

How to Edit out Red Eye

Fotor (Online Solution)

Fotor offers a free, online red-eye remover tool designed to quickly and easily fix red-eye in photos. Users can upload their images directly from their browser without needing to download any software. The tool automatically detects and corrects red-eye with a single click. It also allows for zooming in and adjusting the brush size for more precise editing. Additionally, Fotor provides various other photo editing tools to enhance your images.

  • Hit the link provided above to access the red eye remover function of Fotor.
  • Click Remove Red Eyes Now then upload the picture.

    upload the picture to fotor

  • Next, click the red eye and hit Apply to continue.

    remove red eyes with fotor

  • Once done, download the picture to save it.

    download the image

Fotogenic: Photo Editor

Fotogenic: Photo Editor offers a red-eye remover tool that is simple and effective. This feature allows users to correct red-eye in photos with a few taps. Users can upload their images, use the red-eye correction tool to automatically detect and fix the issue. Also, it is available to adjust the results manually for more precision. Furthermore, it presents a user-friendly interface and is suitable for quick edits on the go. What’s more is that it offers other photo editing tools to further enhance the image.

  • Launch Google Play Store and install the app.
  • Open the app on your Android device then upload the photo you want to edit.
  • After that, navigate to the red-eye removal tool within the app and tap on the eyes to remove red eyes from photo.

    remove red eye with fotogenic

  • Once it processed the image, save your edited photo once you’re satisfied with the result.

    save the image

Red Eye Corrector: Fix redeye

To get rid of red eyes in photos using your iOS device, the Red Eye Corrector app is a perfect choice. Designed as a quick processing tool, it boasts an AI technology to effectively remove red eyes. Furthermore, it will correct the red-eye effect and bring the natural look of your photos. Also, with a user-friendly interface, it offers automatic red-eye detection and correction. Thus providing professional-looking results within a few steps.

  • Go to App Store to download and install the app.
  • Next, import the picture and let it automatically remove the red eye.

    upload the image to the app

  • Finally, tap the download button to save it.

    remove red eye with corrector

Tips on How to Avoid Shooting Red Eyes Photos

Preventing red-eye in your photos is easier than you might think. Here are some practical tips to help you avoid this common issue:

1. Use Red-Eye Reduction Mode

Many cameras and smartphones have a red-eye reduction mode. This feature emits a pre-flash before the main flash. Thus causing the subject’s pupils to constrict, reducing the likelihood of red-eye.

2. Improve Ambient Lighting

Increasing the room’s light level can help. Brighter environments cause the subject’s pupils to constrict, making it less likely for the flash to reflect off the retina.

3. Adjust the Flash Angle

If possible, avoid direct flash. Bounce the flash off a wall or ceiling. Or use an external flash positioned away from the camera.

4. Position the Subject Carefully

Have your subjects look slightly away from the camera rather than directly at it. This slight change in angle can prevent the flash from reflecting directly back into the lens.

5. Use Natural Light

Whenever possible, use natural light instead of the flash. Shooting outdoors or in well-lit areas eliminates the need for a flash, thus avoiding red-eye.

6. Post-Processing Tools

If red-eye occurs despite your best efforts, use the apps provided above. Many cameras and smartphones also offer built-in red-eye correction features.


Red-eye in photos is a frustrating issue, but with the right techniques, it’s easy to fix and prevent. That’s why it is also important to know the reasons first to help you avoid red-eye from the start. If it does occur, apps can provide effective solutions to remove red eyes from photo online and on mobile devices. By following our tips and using these resources, you can ensure your photos always look their best, free from the distracting red-eye effect.

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