No.1 Limited-time Giveaway — 30 credits

Your first 5 AI art-generated works are on us.

30 credits are available, permanently valid. 1 image generated, 6 credits consumed.

Redeem code: OXAVE-19ECJ-32C52-UK5TX

  • The redeem code can only be used once.

How to redeem Giveaway credits?

1. Create a PicWish account.

2. Go to My Account page > Redeem Code, and enter your code.

redeem code

3. After a successful redemption, you can check the remaining credits under your account.

No.2 Write a review on App Store/Play Store — 70 credits

Rate PicWish with 5-star on Google Play or App Store.

The word “background eraser” should be mentioned in the review. No Copy.

How to get my credits?

1. Take a screenshot of your review.

2. Contact our Live Chat and send your review screenshot and UID.

3. If your review meets the requirements, our Support team will add 70 credits to your account.

Note: You can copy your UID from My Account page after logging in.